Collaborating with the most passionate artisan and makers, we bring you this exclusive basket from our exclusive gift basket Collection. the Green Basket contains a hand woven basket with a lid that can be used for storing things or decoration. If you are looking for a unique gift for someone special then look no further, this handcrafted basket will make someone feel very special. A hand thrown mug, chocolate treat, 1 candle and 1 kitchen or personal towel all packed neatly in a high quality linen box and hand poured soy candle.
Whether you need a small token of appreciation or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, these baskets will make that special occasion even more memorable.
Hand woven Basket with a lid |
Hand loomed Towel |
Hand thrown mug |
50 gram of Sri Lankan loose leaf tea in a canister. Choose from three flavor: |
Bahen & Co chocolate bar |
Hand poured in Melbourne Candle in a jar | ![]() |
Complementary note card with a message of your choice. Please add your message at the checkout in note section. |
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